DECEMBER 2019: A Very Beary Holiday

I’m bringing bears to Ghostwolf Gallery this December.

When I started the Legendary Creatures series, I discovered Otso, the Finnish king of the forest. This name was rarely spoken, but the bear was alluded to as friend, brother, uncle, or forest-cousin. In fact, some stories considered the bear to be a relative who had fled the community and been transformed by the power of the forest. This bear myth and the photos of bears from Finland and all the bear statues from around Helsinki caught my imagination, predisposed from growing up in Minnesota and Wisconsin to resonate with Nordic culture.

At Ghostwolf, I will also be showing the original artwork from the House of Cards series titled “The Seven Sages Watch Over the Great Bear in the Ancient Night” and the archival metal print “Aurora Borealis” which features polar bears. Scroll down for the artwork and links to more information.

Don’t miss Tortuga Gallery’s Creative Art Fair taking place during December 6-8.

The original work 12×12-inch paintings from the I Ching Hexagram series will be available at holiday prices and I Ching readings will be offered from 1-5pm on Saturday along with ink-jet prints of the hexagrams resulting from your personalized reading.

Check on the art-benefits on December 7 for the Harwood Arts Center and the Endorphin Power Company.

A Time for Giving

All year long, artists provide art for a variety of charitable causes. Here are the organizations I’ve supported this year by donating some or all of the proceeds from artwork sales. I encourage you to support your favorite organizations in any way you can.

Sickle Cell Warriors
in memory of my late husband, a portion of all the sales from the House of Card decks goes to this organization.
Sickle Cell Warriors
advocates for people living with Sickle Cell related diseases.

Hexgram 34: Vigor donated to Acupuncturists Without Borders in support of their Alternatives to Opioids program.

Hexagram 17: Follow the Leader sold at the Gallery with a Cause at the New Mexico Cancer Center – 40% of the sale went directly to patients.

Hexagram 31: Wooing donated to the Harwood Art Center for their annual 12×12 fundraising exhibition on December 7, 6-8pm.

Encantado II donated to the Endorphin Power Company.
Their annual Art Party takes place at El Vado ABQ,  December 7, 6-9:30pm

Ghostwolf Gallery

 Old Town Albuquerque, 2043 South Plaza St NW
First Friday Reception: December 6, 5-8pm • Open daily from 11am-6pm

 I will be at Tortuga Gallery during December 6-8 — but stop by anyway or visit me at Ghostwolf during the other Sundays in December.

In many of the images from the  Star Suit from House of Card series combine the star charts and related stories from a variety of cultures. The Seven Sages Watch Over the Great Bear in the Ancient Night combine images from Egyptian, Asian, Native American, and European cultures.


Seven Sages Watch Over the Great Bear in the Ancient Night, Mixed media on paper, 26×40 inches

The House of Card decks are back!
Purchase at Ghostwolf Gallery or at Next Best Thing to Being There in Old Town Albuquerque or online at

Aurora Borealis
archival dye-infused aluminum, 12×18 inches
available at Ghostwolf Gallery or
click HERE to purchase online.

Also at Ghostwolf: Otsos from the Legendary Creature Series

Standing Otsos, Mixed media
on recycled doors
79 H x 23.75 W x 2 inches – each

Otso in the Sunlight, Mixed media on panel
16 x 16 x 1.5 inches

Otso in the Moonlight, Mixed media on panel
16 x 16 x 1.5 inches

Save the Date

Saturday, January 11, 2020, 5:30-9:30pm
Haiti after the Earthquake
A tribute to Haiti by NM & Haitian Artists
at the African-American Performing Arts Center
NM State Fairgrounds