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Twelve Stings
Ektera: First String
Erhu: Two Strings
Shamisen: Three Strings
Ukulele: Four Strings SOLD
Banjo: Five Strings | SOLD
Gugin: Seven Strings
$150.00 -
Guitar: SIx Strings | SOLD
Mandolin: Eight Strings | SOLD
Blues Guitar: Nine Strings
$150.00 -
Puerto Rican Cuatro: Ten Strings
$150.00 -
Oud: Eleven Strings | SOLD
Twelve Strings
Twelve Days of Christmas
A Very Pretty Peacock in a Pear Tree | SOLD
Three French Hens | SOLD
Two Turtle Doves | SOLD
Four Calling Birds | SOLD
Five Gold Rings | SOLD
Six Geese-A-Laying | SOLD
Seven Swans Swimming | SOLD
Eight Holy Cows | SOLD
Nine Dancing Cranes | SOLD
Ten Leaping Hares | SOLD
Eleven Pipers Piping | SOLD
Twelve Drummers Drumming | SOLD
Midwest by Northeast by Southwest
Midwest by Northeast by Southwest | NFS
Waking the Morning | SOLD
Minnehaha Avenue
$500.00 -
Arriving India | SOLD
Highway 41
$500.00 -
Approaching Christmas
$500.00 -
Lakeshore Limited
$500.00 -
Amherst Arabesque | SOLD
Quabbin Reservoir | SOLD
Memories Like Ticks
$500.00 -
Allston Ragout
$500.00 -
Common Ground | NFS
Desert Dreams
$500.00 -
Spinning Jenny | NFS
A Life… Suspended
Revisiting the Wreck
$500.00 -
The Problem of Lift
$500.00 -
Drought | SOLD
The Walk-in | SOLD
Midwest by Northeast by Southwest