Change and Celebration
2021 has been a year of change and change is hard, but now it’s time to take a break and celebrate life with all its ups and downs.
First Week of December
The first week of December is packed with online and in-person events!

I will also be participating in Small Works Holiday Art Show—The New Mexico Art League’s festive and fun annual exhibit of works by artists living and working in New Mexico, of all subject matter and media, all in a nice small package. Perfect for gift-giving for the holidays. The exhibit will be ONLINE only and will run from December 7 through January 9, 2021.

This Month at Ghostwolf Gallery
Come to the Patio Market in Old Town during the Old Town Holiday Stroll on Friday, December 3rd from 5-8pm, and join the artists of Ghostwolf Gallery for the last opening of 2021. Below are the three original works of art that I will be exhibiting at Ghostwolf during the month of December.
30 x 30 inches
Mixed media on panel • $750
The feminine force of mother earth encourages us to be loving and live at one with the earth. This artwork is from my series based on the 64 hexagrams (containing a combination of six yin or yang lines) from the I Ching, the 2000-year-old Chinese divination system.
30 x 30 inches
Mixed media on panel • $750
The traditional image for this hexagram comes from two lakes that are interdependent. I have depicted them as two interdependent people whose interaction strengthens each one joyfully. This artwork is from my series based on the 64 hexagrams (containing a combination of six yin or yang lines) from the I Ching, the 2000-year-old Chinese divination system.
47 x 33 inches framed
Mixed media on paper
The background is inspired by the astronomical ceiling of the Temple of Dendera in Egypt. The Egyptian figures in that ceiling mark the beginning and end of a constellation known as the Big Dipper, the Plough, or the Great Bear. Denise used the European star maps from the 18th century (Urania’s Mirror and the Celestial Atlas) as inspiration for the bear. Between the Egyptian layer and the Great Bear are the Seven Sages inspired by an 18th century silk painting from the temple of Kukch’ong-Sa in South Korea depicting the Seven Buddhas which are related to the same constellation. In the Hindu tradition the constellation is known as Seven Sages who are looking for their lost wives the Seven Sisters of Pleiades.
Open Studio on Saturday, December 18, 10am-4pm
Join me at my home at 6110 Bellamah Avenue NE, Albuquerque, NM, 87110 for cookies (and scones!) and hot drinks. I’ll be offering some great deals on art and, in return, you can help me create some more space. Or just stop by and say hi. The house is on the corner of Bellamah and California one block north of Constitution Avenue and two blocks east of San Pedro. Come to the door by the driveway on the California side of the house. And, yes, I am hoping for a white Christmas or New Years!
2022 Sneak Peek!
This group of Albuquerque artists will be exhibiting at the Attleboro Museum in Attleboro, Massachusetts, from April 9th – May 6th, 2022. Stay tuned for the latest news on this cross-country art adventure!