Looking Forward
August has been a busy but quiet month of working with other artists on their websites, with poets and writers with their books, and finishing the edits on my first book consisting of poetry alone (no art other than the cover)—but September looks to be even busier.
Both the poetry book, Letters to the Deceased and Other Missives, and the book of art and poetry, The House of Cards: The Whole Deck will have their official release on Sunday, September 13, from 2-4 both on Zoom and at Tortuga Gallery.
Scroll down to for more details

House of Cards Revisited
Tortuga Gallery, 901 Edith Blvd SE, Albuquerque, NM 87102
OPENING: Friday, September 4, 2020 at 5 PM – 8 PM
GALLERY OPEN: Monday, September 7–Saturday, September 12, 4-6pm
BOOK RELEASE: Sunday, September 13, 2020, 2-4pm
In Person and on Zoom including Open Mic
Zoom: unm.zoom.us/j/8818323511
In celebration of the release of her book of art and poetry, The House of Cards: The Whole Deck, Denise Weaver Ross will be exhibiting the remaining 32 originals from her card series. Poets wishing to write and submit ekphrastic poetry for the 2nd edition of the related ekphrastic poetry book can come during these times or view the work online at deniseweaverross.com/house-of-cards. Please contact Denise at deniseweaverross@gmail.com, if you plan to read an ekphrastic poem at the open mic on Sunday, September 13.
Save the Date
Friday, September 18, 2020 at 5 PM – 8 PM
Hindsight is 2020
Tortuga Gallery, 901 Edith Blvd SE, Albuquerque, NM 87102
Also open for viewing on Friday, September 25, 2020 at 12 PM – 7 PM
Creatives from across genres will show works created in 2020.
Many topics have provided the inspiration for these current works.
Here is the growing list of artists:
Bobby Jones, Chris Newbill, Christina Bouajila, Denise Weaver Ross, Diana Gourlay, Eliza M Schmid, Jane Westbrook, Katrina Guarascio, Kelly Gilbreth, Kelli Judkins-Cooper, Larry Schulte, Lena Weiss, Leo Neufeld, Lesley Long, Leslie R Kryder, Marc Sherson, Meghan Newbill, Patricia Oakley, Paula Steinberg, Peter Fitzpatrick, Stacey Cooley, Suzanne Visor
Tortuga will be open to receive not more than 25 people at a time. Masks are required for entry.
Save the Date
Exhibition on view to the general public:
October 25–December 6, 2020
ArtsThrive: Art Exhibition & Benefit is an invitational exhibition hosted
by the Albuquerque Museum Foundation and held at the Albuquerque Museum
The 30th annual ArtsThrive Art Exhibition & Benefit will occur online, learn more at albuquerquemuseumfoundation.org/artsthrive
Currently Showing at Ghostwolf Gallery

New York: The Epicenter, Mixed media on paper, 26 x 40 inches, © Denise Weaver Ross, 2020
Currently Showing at Slice Parlor
9904 Montgomery Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87111
Check out the Hexagrams as you walk through the restaurant to take your seat on the patio!