APRIL 2020: Postcards, Poetry & Pandemic

I hope you and your loved ones are all in good health. Let me share a little distraction from the bad news—here are some updates on ongoing creative projects that are keeping me sane during this crisis.

Postcards to America

During these last two weeks I’ve finished Florida (see below) and started on Wisconsin, while Louisiana and New York exist in digital rough drafts, and ideas for other states are percolating. Last month, I was honored when the gallery owners at Kelwood Contemporary Art in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, purchased St. Paul MN: Dying in the Liveable City (also below). The purchase covered travel expenses and gave my road-warrior friend and me the opportunity for a 24-hour haitus in New Orleans before the long haul back to Albuquerque.

The Stand Your Ground State
Mixed media on paper
26 x 40 inches


The Lone Gunman State
Mixed media on paper

26 x 40 inches

St. Paul MN:
Dying in the Liveable City
Mixed media on paper
26 x 40 inches


Ferguson MO:
The Broken Heart of America
Mixed media on paper
26 x 40 inches


To learn more about this project, please visit patreon.com/postcards-to-america
or e-mail me at deniseweaverross@gmail.com if you’d like to contribute offline.


One of the positive side-effects of the pandemic has been taking part of Jules’ Poetry Playhouse online writing group. Here’s one of poems I’ve written as part of the group.

I’m also taking part in a VIRTUAL Playhouse poetry reading with Megan Baldrige, Rich Boucher, Erin Lynn Marsh, Eleanor Stewart, Kevin Zepper, John Roche, and Jules Nyquist to kick off April National Poetry Month! This was originally going to be held at Organic Books in Albuquerque. Help keep Organic Books open by shopping at Bookshop.org/shop/OrganicBooks

Sunday, April 5, at 3 pm mountain time (one hour max)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 392 112 753
Password: 774236


On the last day our gallery was open,
I met a couple that owns a gallery in
Tribeca with 12,000 square feet.

NYC closed them down due to COVID-19
so they hopped into a car and began
driving west eight hours a day then
stopping and sightseeing until
they reach Ventura Beach.

I’m wondering, when they reach
the Pacific Ocean, will they buy
a boat and keep moving on
until the crisis is over?

Can you outrun
a virus?

Ghostwolf Gallery

The gallery is closed due to the pandemic.
Please click on the buttons below and check out what is available online.

Feeling Isolated? #You’ve Got Mail

I’ve been making these mini I Ching hexagrams for my Patreon supporters. During the Pandemic, I’m offering a similar deal to anyone on a one-by-one basis. You could get one for yourself or surprise a friend.

For $15 a hexagram you will receive a 4×4 inch original, signed, hand-drawn hexagram on archival quality paper. Just pick a hexagram and I will mail it to you with my own gloved hands — U.S. postage included.

OR for $25 a hexagram you will receive a 5×5 inch original, signed, hand-drawn hexagram on archival quality paper with a haiku handwritten on the back. Just pick a hexagram and I will mail it to you with my own gloved hands — U.S. postage included.

Below is an example of the $25 hexagram offer:


Wishing the best of health to all!